Understanding FDA legislation and regulations can be confusing. We will help you get it right. All nutrition analysis is performed by a Registered Dietitian with a Masters of Science Degree...
We follow FDA approved procedures to analyze your food products. Our software is state of the art and our database contains more than 47,000 foods and food items that are continuously updated...
We offer packages and individual options to help meet your specific labeling needs. Don't see what you need? Contact us today to create the right bundle for you...
Our team is here to answer your questions and work with you. You will continue to have support after our services are complete. Get started with an analysis and quote...
We offer menu nutritional analysis as well as creation of FDA compliant food labels for products and recipes.
Food Label Pro consists of experts with Masters Degrees in Nutrition and backgrounds in food label compliance. Our knowledge of FDA food labeling legislation is second to none.
We follow FDA approved procedures to create nutrition facts labels, ingredient, and allergen statements. We will bring your product to the marketplace with accurate information.
Customers crave fresh, healthy, and allergen conscious foods for the whole family. Disclosing your recipes nutritive qualities will help build trust and customer loyalty.